Villa Reinet Brunch Garden

Villa Reinet Brunch Garden



Villa Reinet Brunch Garden has seating in various areas of the garden and verandah. Our menu features breakfasts prominently, with omelets being high on the list of favourites. We also cater to the non-breakfasters in ‘Under the dome’ which offers freshly baked alternatives. Food is freshly prepared as you enjoy the atmosphere of the garden and the birdsong.

Sunbird products can also be pre-ordered and collected via Villa Reinet Brunch Garden.

Our marmalade, jams, beef, chicken and venison pies, Swiss rolls, Belgium Loaf, Brownies, and others, including the S.A.U.C.E. [our own recipe sauce], can all be pre-ordered for your convenience.

So come, relax in the garden, and enjoy a hearty breakfast today, listening to insects and birds, God’s natural garden wonders.

Hours of trade
9 am to 12 noon Monday to Friday
Closed on Weekends and Public Holidays