Valley of Flags

Valley of Flags



The Valley Of The Flags is located on the R329 outside Steytlerville. The rocks next to the road are colourfully adorned with flags that have at some stage been national flags of South Africa.

The first flag, the South African flag used between 1928 and 1994, was painted by farmer George Craven in 1982 using a rope to assist him. The flag reflected the Union of South Africa’s predecessors and incorporated the Prince’s Flag of the Netherlands with the addition of a Union Jack to represent the Cape Province and Natal, the former Orange Free State flag, and the former South African Republic flag.

After 1994 the new (current) South African flag was added next to the old one. The new flag was intended as an interim measure, but it proved so popular that when the final Constitution was finalised in 1996, it became the permanent flag of South Africa.

Subsequently, the other older flags were added.

The history of these flags can be found at the Open Air Implement Museum.

Contact Info

  • Steytlerville